Thursday, 31 December 2015

LCY's 2015 in Review

Is it just me or does this year go a lot faster than previous years? But still, this year has been a special year in its very own way. A whole bunch of first times, hellos and goodbyes, laughter and tears, satisfactions and disappointments, and so many others that sum up to an amazing 2015.

And here I present my top 10 of 2015 that made this year shine. Pure personal preference.

After much contemplating, I've decided to just start with number 1.

1. Jeju Trip

The first thing that came into my mind when I wanted to write this blog post. Wait, actually, it is the exact reason this blog post exists.

The trip was just a lot of first times all put together. First time boarding an airplane, first time taking a trip to somewhere far, first free and easy travelling, first time arranging travel itinerary, first time getting lost, first time feeling the autumn wind, first time climbing up a mountain, first time riding a horse, first time everything.

It was a sudden decision. In July, My sister and I noticed a public holiday in September, right in the middle of the week, though our trip was a week before that due to the cheaper air ticket (yes, it was a budget travel). Asked our parents for permission, checked our accounts and made sure everything was within our budget, and that's it.

After that was weeks of planning. Searching for flights and hotels with low rates, choosing places we wanted to go (the hardest part), planning our itinerary (but we ended up changing almost everything we planned. Well, things just don't go according to plan, right? Always expect the unexpected.), and waiting for D-day to come.

The trip was amazing. An unforgettable experience that's so addictive that I encourage everyone to try travelling to a place where the seasons and culture are different from where you're from. (But make sure it's within your budget. Or work harder and earn more money.)

Me? I'll make sure that I travel again and I'll definitely re-visit Jeju. Come to think of it, I owe this blog and myself quite a number of posts.

2. Reunions

From the start till the end of the year, all sorts of reunions have taken place. The annual family reunion (the bigger family, I mean) during Chinese New Year, a small reunion with my best friend in high school, class reunions and school reunions.

Reunions usually lead to either never ending talks or we're-not-so-close-anymore realizations. But never the less, reunions are reminders of how far you've come, and how much you've changed. Looking at all those people from my past, makes me think of what I was like when I'd just known them. The it's-been-a-long-time-since-we-last-met-s were sincere.

So, thank you to the big occasions like Chinese New Year, public holidays, friends who got married, friends who celebrated their children's first month. All these helped to make reunions possible, no?

3. Family Time

No, we didn't have a family trip this year. But personally, I think that I've spent a lot of days with my family this year, a lot more than 2014. I went back home more frequently, and, thanks to the long weekends, got to stay for several days (read: enjoy my comfy bedroom more).

And another thing that marked 2015 as another special year is: wefies. Yes, wefies. I just realized that we took a lot of them this year when I was going through my phone's album. A big thank you to the monopod too. It served its purpose very well. Hopefully there's more family quality time in 2016.

4. Korean Class Friends aka Lelah Entertainment

Funny name, no?

I knew most of them last year but it was only until this year that we got close. And within a year, we've arranged a whole lot of things. Our teacher's birthday, a surprise performance dedicated to our teacher, an outing with the class, ramyeon party, birthday parties which don't go according to plans, farewell gift and video preparations, and so much more.

I've spent most of my time with these people aside from staying at the office, I think. Thank you all for colouring my life. Thank you.

5. Na Su Jeong Ssaem

My Korean class teacher. Same age. Same blood type. Same hobbies. But taller, stronger, more athletic, taller, prettier, nicer, sweeter, better at cooking, better at music, better vocals, taller. She's amazing. Her eyes can smile!

She came last year, but this year is the year when we got a LOT closer. It's amazing how fast she learned Indonesian. And it's also amazing how I could be so attached to someone after knowing her for merely a year. Her farewell party was one of the best parties in 2015. And her rendition of Taeyeon's Can You Hear Me was the best one I've heard.

She taught me a lot more than just Korean. She gave me a lot more than just lessons.

Now, she's back in Korea, married, and expecting a baby. We still keep in touch. She cancelled her trip here due to her pregnancy, so I promised her that the next time we meet, it'll be me going to Seoul to meet her there.

Oh, now I need to save more money~~~~~~~

6. Taekwondo

Another thing that proves dreams do come true. Something that I've always wanted but never had the chance to do it. Something that started abruptly in March. My Korean teacher asked if I wanted to join. I said yes and, voila, still bad at it.

It wasn't just a self defense lesson. I can really feel that. We're trained to be discipline, to believe in ourselves, to act as a group, to have self respect and to respect others. Sure it gets tiring from time to time (every single time, actually, not to mention the mental pressure), but those who persevere win the game, right? It's not easy to get a black belt.

Well, actually, I just wish that I can do well for the next lesson. Dreams come true if you dare to dream, but they also need hard work.

7. Life Lessons

Every year, with all that has happened, life offers me new lessons. This year just seemed to be so much of it that I think it deserves a spot in the top 10.

I learned to let go. (Actually, I'm still learning, but yeah, you know what I mean.) Some things will stay and some things will leave. It's a natural phenomenon. You need to accept it, not understand it.

I learned that you need to make time for things that you really want, that you will make time if you really want them. And if you, for any reason, can't make time for them, admit that you don't really want them that much.

I learned that dreams do come true, if you dare to dream, dream hard enough, work hard enough and persevere.

I learned that things change. Everything changes. People change. Situations change. Stay optimistic but keep your feet on the ground.

I learned to always expect the unexpected.

I learned that looking back is necessary. Don't dwell on it, but do some reviews.

I learned that you are you no matter what others say. Live your life. Live your dreams.

I learned that I still have a lot to learn.

8. Food

I took a picture of almost everything I've eaten in 2015. Looking back, I've eaten quite a number of nice stuff. Wow, I've had a really good year. It helps when you have a friend who's really good at baking, and a number of friends who knows where to find good food.

Perhaps I should do a post, a slideshow post, dedicated to all the food I've eaten this past year. *thinking hard*

9. Birthday

Mine, of course. With two meant-to-be-a-surprise-but-I-knew-beforehand birthday parties, I've had an amazing birthday week. Free sushi due to it being my birthday plus a handmade chocolate cake full of strawberries on top, with Daehan Minguk Manse's picture, I love this year's birthday.

Still, the meant-to-be-a-surprise-but-I-knew-beforehand part was really hilarious. How could both surprise birthday party be found out by me accidentally? Both!

10. Singing Competitions

Now this is surprising, totally unexpected. I wouldn't even imagine myself doing something like this a minute before going on stage. But I learned a lot. Conquered my fear. Learned to learn. And both competitions were amazing experiences. Again, who would have thought that I would enter singing competitions?

Well, that basically sums up my 2015. Pictures coming up as soon as possible. Oh, and the Jeju Trip posts. Oh, and save more money. Ah, and the food slideshow. And 2016!


Lidya C. Yowendro

Saturday, 11 July 2015


Hujan lagi.

Aku menatap rintik-rintik air yang menetes dari ujung atap. Awan kelabu menggantung di langit sejak pagi. Setelah hujan turun membasahi kota kecil ini siang tadi, jalanan yang masih basah kembali tergenang air sore ini. Nggak deras, tapi tetap mampu membuat orang-orang memasuki cafe ini untuk berteduh.

Aroma kopi memenuhi ruangan, berduet dengan musik country yang dimainkan salah satu karyawan di atas panggung kecil. Cafe yang didominasi perabot kayu dan warna cokelat muda itu penuh dengan pengunjung. Mataku mengikuti sepasang kekasih yang masuk bergandengan tangan dan terpaksa keluar lagi karena tidak ada tempat kosong.

Tempat dudukku ini memang strategis, di sudut ruangan tepat di samping jendela kaca cafe yang menghadap jalan. Meja ini adalah salah satu dari beberapa yang diposisikan agak tinggi. Kata pemilik cafe, awalnya tempat ini akan dijadikan panggung. Tetapi karena suatu hal, posisi panggung menjadi menghadap pintu keluar.

Hujan perlahan reda. Para pengunjung juga semakin berkurang. Aku menyesap vanilla latte yang masih tersisa sedikit.

"Jam segini minum kopi?"

Aku menoleh. Pemilik cafe, seorang wanita berumur 30-an, sudah berdiri di sampingku. Senyuman hangat menggantung di wajah tirusnya.

"Malam ini bakal kejar deadline," jawabku.

Wanita itu mengangguk pelan. "Boleh duduk?" tanyanya.

Aku mengangguk. Tangan kiriku dilipat di atas meja. Tangan kananku mengaduk-aduk gelas yang sudah hampir kosong sementara wanita itu menempati kursi di depanku.

Hening. Hanya terdengar pembicaraan samar pengunjung beberapa meja dari kami dan musik yang diputar dari CD player.

"Sudah menemukan orang yang kamu cari?"

Aku tidak menjawab. Lebih tepatnya, tidak mampu menjawab. Mulutku terkunci rapat. Napasku tertahan. Jantungku seperti diremas-remas. Sakit. Sesak.

Bulan lalu dia melenyapkan diri dari hidupku. Aku tahu ada alasan yang tidak dia katakan. Tapi dia memutuskan semua hubungan. Satu-satunya informasi yang aku dapat adalah ada yang melihatnya di kota ini. Karena itulah aku ke sini tanpa pikir panjang.

Baru sekarang aku menyadari betapa bodohnya diriku. Tinggal di kota ini selama hampir dua minggu tanpa hasil apa-apa. Aku sudah cukup beruntung pekerjaanku tidak mengharuskan aku berada di kantor, dan atasanku cukup baik untuk mengizinkan aku bekerja di sini dengan bantuan email dan internet. Seharusnya aku menyadari batas keberuntunganku. Mungkin sudah waktunya aku pulang dan mengiyakan permintaan ayahku. Mungkin aku harus mencoba menerima laki-laki yang dikenalkan teman ayahku itu. Iya, mungkin memang seharusnya begitu.

Aku menghela napas. "Aku rasa aku harus berhenti. Dunia ini memang kecil, tapi di antara begitu banyak orang, bagaimana caranya menemukan seseorang yang sengaja menyembunyikan diri darimu?"

"Aku rasa," ujar pemilik cafe. Matanya menerawang ke luar jendela. "Urutanmu tadi agak terbalik." Dia berhenti sesaat lalu menatapku sambil tersenyum. "Seharusnya begini. Orang-orang di dunia ini banyak, tapi dunia kecil, mengapa nggak mungkin menemukan orang yang kamu cari?"

Mataku mengikuti gerakan wanita itu. Dia berdiri. Kedua matanya masih melekat padaku. "Kamu sudah membuat keputusan. Nah, berusahalah. Berusaha sampai kamu merasa kalau dengan begitu, gagal juga nggak apa-apa. Berusahalah sampai kamu bisa menerima apapun yang terjadi. Karena di saat itu, yang terjadi adalah yang terbaik. Percayalah itu."

Aku masih melihat ke arah sang pemilik cafe setelah dia berbalik dan berjalan menuju kasir. Mungkin. Mungkin aku masih bisa berusaha sedikit lagi. Sedikit lagi.

Di luar, hujan sudah reda. Awan-awan bergeser memberi jalan kepada bintang-bintang yang bertaburan di langit malam.

Lidya C. Yowendro